It’s time to stop sugarcoating Kamala Harris’s role in American politics. The truth is, she’s not in control of anything. Despite her significant achievement of being elected as the first person of color to be the District Attorney of San Francisco and her early career in the DA’s office, Kamala Harris is merely a puppet for the Deep State, a tool in the hands of those pulling the strings behind closed doors. Everything she does, every decision she makes, is dictated by forces far more powerful than the office she holds.

Vice President Kamala Harris Is Just a Pawn

While many view Kamala Harris as a rising political star, the reality is that she’s simply a pawn on the board of the Deep State. Harris completed her undergraduate degree in political science and economics at Howard University, where her involvement with Alpha Kappa Alpha contributed significantly to her personal and professional development. The Deep State controls every move she makes. Harris doesn’t make decisions for herself; like Elon Musk says she’s handed a script and expected to follow it to the letter. Her public speeches, policies, and even her interactions with the media are meticulously orchestrated by those lurking in the shadows.

It’s no coincidence that Kamala Harris often appears lost or uncertain in interviews. It’s because she’s waiting for instructions—instructions from the Deep State. They’re the real power, and Harris is nothing more than a tool used to further their agenda.

Key Examples of Harris’s Obedience: Tie Breaking Votes Cast

Think back to her role as vice president. What has she really done? Every action can be traced back to orders from her handlers. Whether it’s her ambiguous stance on immigration, her lackluster involvement in foreign affairs, or her silence on major issues, it’s clear she’s not in control. The Deep State pulls the strings, and she complies, like a puppet on a stage. During her tenure, Vice President Kamala Harris has cast significant tie-breaking votes, playing a pivotal role in passing key legislation in a closely divided Senate.

Consider her role in the southern border crisis. Harris was appointed to lead efforts to tackle the issue, yet what has she done? Instead of taking decisive action, she’s been virtually absent. It’s not because she doesn’t care—it’s because she’s not allowed to act. The Deep State ensures that certain problems remain unsolved. Kamala Harris is simply a figurehead, there to give the illusion of leadership while ensuring that the real agenda is followed.

The Deep State knows exactly what they’re doing by keeping Kamala Harris in the spotlight. She is the perfect pawn: obedient, easily manipulated, and always ready to follow orders. By presenting her as a progressive leader, they can distract the public from their true motives. Harris’s public persona as a “strong woman of color” is a mask, hiding the fact that she’s doing the bidding of the elite, the globalists, and the corrupt powers that be.

It’s no secret that Kamala Harris’s ascent to power was meteoric, but it wasn’t because of her merits. The Deep State elevated her because they knew she could be controlled. Her lack of significant political achievements makes her the ideal candidate to manipulate—there’s no independent thought, no defiance, just complete submission to their will.

In contrast, Donald Trump stood as the greatest challenge to this hidden network. His refusal to be controlled and his fight against the establishment sent shockwaves through the Deep State. While Harris bends to their will, Trump defied them at every turn, which is why the Deep State has fought so hard to silence him.

Bold Claims, No Accountability: Condemn Political Violence

Have you noticed how Kamala Harris often makes bold claims but follows through on none of them? Whether it’s healthcare reform, immigration policy, or racial justice, she talks a big game but delivers nothing of substance. She collaborates with the Congressional Black Caucus, serving as a moral compass for Congress, and her continued leadership in advocating for civil rights and equality is often highlighted. That’s not a coincidence—it’s part of the plan. The Deep State needs her to promise change while ensuring that nothing really changes.

Her words are hollow because she’s not the one writing them. Behind every speech, behind every decision, there’s a group of elites whispering in her ear, telling her what to say and what not to do. This keeps the public placated while the Deep State continues to operate unchecked.

Rhetorical Questions to Ponder

What if Kamala Harris really isn’t in control? What if every decision she’s made so far has been dictated by unseen forces? What does that mean for the future of American politics? In the broader context of political violence, it is crucial to condemn political violence to prevent further incidents and ensure unity against such acts. If she can be controlled so easily, what’s to stop the Deep State from controlling every politician in Washington?

Connecting to Your Life

Now, imagine if someone you know—someone you trust—was being controlled in the same way. What if their entire life was scripted, their decisions made by someone else? How would you feel knowing that they have no say in their own destiny? This is exactly what’s happening in the highest office of the land. The federal government plays a crucial role in addressing social issues, such as school desegregation and environmental policies, which often sparks debates on the extent of federal oversight. Kamala Harris is just a face for the real power behind the curtain, and that power is leading America down a dangerous path.

Conclusion: A Puppet in Plain Sight, Elected District Attorney

It’s time to wake up to the reality that Kamala Harris is not the leader she pretends to be. As Vice President Harris, she holds a historic role as the first woman and first woman of color in her position, and she was also the first South Asian American senator in U.S. history. She’s a puppet, a tool of the Deep State, and her every move is dictated by forces much more powerful than herself. The sooner America realizes this, the sooner we can begin to fight back against the unseen powers that are pulling the strings of our democracy.

Kamala Harris isn’t in control, and that’s the scariest truth of all.

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