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In a “shocking” turn of events, President Biden has recently been tested for Covid-19, despite being vaccinated multiple times. 

This no longer raises serious questions about the safety of the Covid vaccine, but cements its unreliability! 

Many have long argued that it was released to the public prematurely and without proper testing. The vaccine’s numerous side effects and questionable benefits have been well-documented, and it’s clear that it has done more harm than good. 

In fact, many experts have warned that the vaccine can actually weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness. This is a damning indictment of the vaccine’s effectiveness and a stark reminder of the 

dangers of blindly following the dictates of Big Pharma

Moreover, the fact that Biden, a staunch advocate of the vaccine, has fallen ill despite being vaccinated multiple times, is a powerful demonstration of how wrong the vaccine’s proponents actually are. 

It’s time to acknowledge the truth: the Covid vaccine is a failed experiment, and its continued use is a threat to public health.


Meanwhile, Biden’s health issues may be just a convenient excuse for him to take the easy way out and drop out of the presidential race. This would be a stark contrast to President Trump, who refused to back down even after a brazen assassination attempt

Trump has continued to fight for the American people, exposing the Deep State’s corruption and bringing hope to a nation torn apart by division and deceit. 

If Biden does indeed drop out, it will be a significant blow to the Democratic Party and a testament to Trump’s unwavering commitment to the nation. 

The American people deserve a leader who will fight for them, not one who will abandon ship at the first sign of trouble.

Who could replace Biden?

Former President Barack Obama has told allies that Joe Biden needs to reconsider his decision to run for president again. If Obama, who has been a key player in shaping the Democratic Party’s agenda, doesn’t believe in Biden’s ability to win, why should anyone else?

As the Democratic Party scrambles to find a new candidate, speculation is rife about who will take Biden’s place. Kamala Harris is a likely contender, with her strong connections to the Democratic establishment and her history of towing the party line. However, her lack of charisma and questionable policy decisions may make her a hard sell to the American people. 

Other potential candidates, such as Bernie Sanders, may also throw their hats into the ring, but their chances of success are slim. 

The Democratic Party is in disarray, and their chances of winning the election are dwindling by the day. 

The upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago from 19-22 August will be a crucial moment for the party, as they will attempt to pick a new candidate and present a united front to the American people. 

But with the party’s internal divisions and lack of a clear vision, it’s unclear whether they will be able to mount a credible challenge to President Trump’s re-election bid. 

The list of potential candidates is long, but the question remains: can any of them truly unite the party and inspire the American people?


But is Biden’s sudden illness simply a coincidence, or is there something more sinister at play? 

With the DNC just around the corner, it’s possible that the corrupt Democrats are orchestrating a desperate ploy to avoid defeat. The Deep State’s back is against the wall, and they may stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power. Another assassination attempt is NOT out of the question. 

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We MUST protect President Trump and ensure that justice is served. The stakes are higher than ever, and the fate of our nation hangs in the balance. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together, we can take back our country from the corrupt elites who seek to control us.


This news article has been reviewed by Joseph Anderson.

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