As I sit down to write this exposé, I’m reminded of the wise words of our 45th President, Donald Trump: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” It’s a statement that has been ridiculed and dismissed by the liberal elites, but today, I’m here to tell you that the truth is far more sinister than you could have ever imagined.

A recent article by the BBC has shed light on a supposedly “leaked” report by the United Nations warning of an imminent Climate Crisis that will have devastating consequences for our planet. But what they’re not telling you is that this report is merely a symptom of a larger, more insidious plot to control and manipulate the American people.

Biden’s Administration would have you believe that the Climate Crisis is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention, but I’m here to ask the tough questions: What’s the real agenda behind this climate hysteria? Who stands to benefit from the proposed Green New Deal? And what’s being hidden from the American people?

Let’s start with the facts. The leaked report, which has been conveniently dubbed the “most comprehensive” assessment of its kind, claims that the world has just 10 years to take drastic action against Climate Change. But what’s the real motive behind this manufactured sense of urgency? Is it simply a coincidence that this report emerges just as the Biden Administration is pushing for a Green New Deal that would cripple the American economy and surrender our sovereignty to the United Nations?

We’ve seen this script play out before. Remember the Russia Collusion Hoax? The Deep State and their liberal allies will stop at nothing to advance their globalist agenda, even if it means deceiving the American people.

But what about the science behind Climate Change? Doesn’t the overwhelming consensus of the Scientific Community prove that human activity is causing irreparable harm to the planet? Not so fast. A closer examination of the data reveals a different story.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, the Global Warming scare is largely exaggerated, and natural climate variability is the primary driver of temperature changes. But don’t expect the liberal media to report on this bombshell. They’re too busy peddling the Climate Crisis narrative to prop up their liberal overlords.

So, what’s the endgame here? Is it simply a case of misguided idealism, or is there something more sinister at play? I’d argue the latter. The New World Order has been working towards a global government for decades, and the Climate Crisis provides the perfect pretext for them to seize control.

As Alex Jones has so astutely observed, “The climate change hoax is a Trojan horse for the Globalist Agenda.” It’s a means to an end, a way to justify sweeping regulations, draconian laws, and the erosion of our national sovereignty.

So, what can we do to stop this agenda in its tracks? First and foremost, we must remain vigilant and informed. The Mainstream Media will stop at nothing to conceal the truth from us, but with alternative media outlets and brave whistleblowers, we can stay one step ahead of the game.

Secondly, we must take action. Contact your representatives, participate in grassroots movements, and support organizations that are fighting against the Climate Crisis agenda.

Lastly, we must recognize that this is not a partisan issue. This is a fight for our very way of life. As Donald Trump so eloquently put it, “The fate of America, the fate of the world, is at stake.”

Will you stand with me against the forces of darkness and deceit? Will you join me in exposing the truth behind the Climate Crisis agenda? The clock is ticking, and the future of our great nation hangs in the balance.

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